Orna’s Oratoria: The Storyteller’s Second Chance
This image always makes me sad; Watching Orna and Argonaut trying so hard to help and save each other, yet knowing that they were not meant to be in that life. Orna, in spite of being Crown Princess and the oldest, relinquished everything in order to simply tell the story of her lone fool, the clown the world desperately needed but didn’t know they wanted yet.
I understand that Argonaut’s story was never made canon, but can’t I pray; to the Heavens above and to Spirits below? Can’t I wish that in Orna’s second life she can at least stand beside her Argonaut to get something, anything?
I pray Hermes gives that small journal or diary or whatever back to its original owner. Even if she has forgotten everything that transpired ages ago, At least she will know and understand better the hero who inspired her to dream and hope once more; in this life, and the one before.